Product Manuals
Club Tool

Club Tool DJ System / ANS Setup Flight Assist Usage Animation Override Setup Impersonator Setup Item Giver Setup Welcome System Setup Dance System Setup Avatar Radar Usage Options / Help Megaphone Usage Face Animator Usage Teleporter Setup Item Rezzer Setup Message System Setup Spank System Usage Avatar Cam Follower Usage
Current version: 6.2

The Club Tool from Lastat Productions is an all-in-one HUD perfect for club goers, hosts, DJs, managers and all frequenters of Second Life. Stop overwhelming your screen with multiple HUDs trying to get all of the best features. The Club Tool includes 16 of the most useful features, ALL in one HUD! Choose the Tall & Thin style or the Short & Wide, both formatted to fit on your screen at any HUD attachment location.

Club goers can put all of their favorite landmarks into the Teleporter, spank friends and fellow club patrons using the Spank System and show off their mad skills using a customized playlist from the Dance System. Hosts can use the Avatar Notification System to be instantly notified of a new guest and send them a warm welcome message using the Welcome System. These are just a few of the MANY ways that the Club Tool can be used to save you time and energy, ensuring that you have the best experience possible while in Second Life.

* Notes *
  • The Club Tool shows as No Modify in your inventory because the scripts are not modifiable but the prims are.
  • When editing a button's contents, you MUST check the "Edit Linked Parts" checkbox in your build window, then click the button you wish to edit.
  • Objects and animations can only be added to the Club Tool when it is rezzed on the ground.
  • The Club Tool will acutomatically adjust itself on your screen so it can be attached to ANY HUD location without shooting off your screen
Usage - Cam Follower

Have a favorite dancer you like to watch? In a rush to find a friend nearby? Use the Avatar Cam Follower to focus your camera on a nearby avatar of your choice! The camera will stay focused on that avatar until you turn it off.

Choosing an Avatar
  1. Click the top left power button
  2. Choose an avatar you'd like to see
  3. Click the power button again to turn the system off
* Notes *
  • You may have to move your avatar before your camera will return to it's normal position.
Usage - Radar

Checkout who’s around you at the club, yell at/boot the person wearing too many scripts, invite the newest club patron to the group and much more! Customize the radar by choosing to use avatar legacy or display names. See the distance that the avatar is from you, as well as how many scripts that avatar is wearing. Each name on the list is clickable, providing you with a dialog FULL of options for that avatar.

Script Count Symbols
  1. The following is a list of script symbols and what they mean:
    • "✔" = Less than 149 Scripts
    • "✖" = Between 150 and 199 Scripts
    • "☢" = Between 200 and 249 Scripts
    • "☠" = Over 250 Scripts
Settings Menu
  1. Click the main options button, then choose "Radar" from the menu
    • "Distance" = Display how far the avatar is from your location
    • "Time" = Display how much script time the avatar is using
    • "Memory" = Display how much script memory the avatar is using
    • "Status" = Display if the avatar is walking, sitting, flying, hovering, away, busy, typing, or in mouse-look
    • "D Name" = Display the avatar's display name
    • "L Name" = Display the avatar's legacy name
    • "Scripts" = Display the avatar's running and total script count
    • "☲ Align ☲" = Text alignment options
      • "Up" = Increase the amount of space between each avatar's name
      • "Down" = Decrease the amount of space between each avatar's name
      • "Lower" = Lower all of the avatar names
      • "Higher" = Raise all of the avatar names
      • "← Back" = Go back to the Radar's settings menu
    • "← Main" = Go back to the main menu
* Notes *
  • ◇ in front of an option means this data is NOT displayed
  • ◆ in front of an option means this data is IS displayed
Avatar Options Menu
  1. Click the top right power button to toggle the radar on or off
  2. Once on, you may click on an avatar's name above the Club Tool for specific avatar options
    • "Start Follow" = Start following the avatar automatically
    • "Stop Follow" = Stop following the avatar
    • "Go To" = Go to the specified avatar
    • "Group Invite" = Send a group invite to the specified avatar
    • "Stand On" = Stand on the specified avatar
    • "Info" = Receive info on the specified avatar
    • "Spank" = Use the Spank system on the specified avatar
    • "Land Boot" = Land Boot Options
      • "Ban" = Add specified avatar to land's ban list
      • "Eject" = Eject specified avatar from the parcel
      • "TP Home" = Teleport the specified avatar home
      • "Unsit" = Un-sit the specified avatar
      • "← Back" = Go back to the Avatar's options menu
    • "← Main" = Go back to the main menu
* Notes *
  • For "Land Boot" options, you must have permissions to the land. Please see llEjectFromLand for more information.
  • By default group invites will be sent via a link in local chat which opens the group's profile where you may join if the group is set to open enrollment. To send avatars a direct group invite, consider using the SmartBots plugin.
Setup - SmartBots
SmartBots Setup (optional)
  1. With the Club Tool rezzed, right click on it and choose edit to bring up the build window
  2. Navigate to the Content tab and open up the * Smartbots * notecard
Notecard: * Smartbots *
  • # GROUP NAME [REQUIRED] Name of group to invite to

  • Group Name = Lastat Productions

  • # GROUP API KEY [REQUIRED] You find this on your smartbots account. Click on Developers, your api key should be towards the top of the next page

  • Group API Key = (your unique api key goes here)

  • # GROUP SECURITY CODE [REQUIRED] You find this on your smartbots account. Click on the "security code & group settings" link

  • Group Security Code = ●●●●●●●●●●

  • # GROUP ROLE [OPTIONAL] You may specify a particular role here, or leave this blank - blank/default is "Everyone" role

  • Group Role = VIP

  • # GROUP MESSAGE[OPTIONAL] You may specify an optional IM to be sent when sending a group invite

  • Group Message =

  • # GROUP FORCE[OPTIONAL] you may set this to 1 or 0. 1 will send an invite even if they are in the group. 0 or leaving blank will not send an invite to those already in the group

  • Group Force = 1

  • #GROUP COOLDOWN = [OPTIONAL] You may specify a 'wait' time (in seconds) between which group invites may be sent. This is more of a techie setting. leaving blank is the same as 0

  • Group Cooldown =

Setup - Spank System

Have fun and be naughty using the Spank System! Choose any avatar within Say or Shout distance from a menu to spank them up to 50 times. Retaliate against spank attacks using the built-in retaliator! Customize the message to do more than spank!

Customize the Spank Message (optional)
  1. Right click the Club Tool and choose edit to bring up the build window
  2. Click the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
  3. Click on the "S" button so only it is highlighted
  4. Under the "General" tab in the build window, you'll see the current spank message in the Description field
  5. Type your own message in the field, leaving the "@" to represent where you want the Avatar's Name to be in the message
Usage - Spank System
Owner Menu
  1. Click the "S" button for the following menu:
    • "SAY" = Say your spank/action (20 meters)
    • "SHOUT" = Shout your spank/action (96 meters)
    • "RET ON / RET OFF" = Turn the retaliator on or off
  2. After choosing a volume, choose the avatar to be the spanker
  3. Next, choose the avatar you want them to spank
  4. Finally, choose the number ot times you would like the spanker to spank the spankee
* Notes *
  • The retaliator uses the same action('word') that was performed on you.
Setup - Dance System

The Dance System gives you the ability to sync as many avatars with you as your heart desires, with the ability to add, remove, or re-sync dancers as needed. Use the included dances or add your own. Customize playlists by setting the duration of time between dances.

Adding Dances
  1. Rez the Club Tool on the ground
  2. Right click the HUD and select "Edit" to bring up the build window
  3. Click the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
  4. Click on the "D" button so only it is highlighted
  5. Navigate to the "Content" tab in the build window and drag your dances from your inventory, into the build window
* Notes *
  • You MUST rez the Dance HUD on the ground to add animations.
  • You may add as many dances as you'd like.
  • Each dance's name MUST be less than 24 characters long.
Creating a Playlist
  1. Create a notecard in your inventory and name it what you'd like to call this playlist
  2. Rez the Club Tool on the ground
  3. Right click the HUD and select "Edit" to bring up the build window
  4. Click the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
  5. Click on the "D" button so only it is highlighted
  6. Navigate to the "Content" tab
  7. Drag your recently created playlist notecard from your inventory into the build window
  8. Open the notecard and, starting on the first line, add the number of seconds you'd like the following animation to play, followed by a comma, and lastley the dance's name
Notecard: * Your Playlist *
  • 20,Club 4
  • 20,Club 6
  • 25,Club 2
  • 15,Club 5
  • 10,Club 3
  • 20,Club 1
* Notes *
  • If the creator did not create the animation and set it to "loop", your avatar may appear to pause ONLY IF you set the time in seconds (before the comma) longer than the animation.
  • [ Example: if the animation is only 20 seconds long, and you put "30,My Dance", your avatar will stand there looking goofy for the last 10 seconds before starting another ]
  • To find out if the dance is looped or not, simply double-click the dance and choose "Play in World". If the animation stops, it is NOT Looped, if it repeats until you stop it, then it IS Looped.
Usage - Dance System
Owner Menu
  1. Click the "D" button for the following menu:
    • "Dance" = Brings up the Dance Menu
      • "Single" = Choose a single dance
      • "Playlist" = Choose a dance playlist
      • "Cancel" = Exit the Dance System
    • "Stop" = Stops all avatars from dancing
    • "Sync" = Force a re-sync of all dancers
    • "Add" = Add avatars to dance in sync with you
    • "Remove" = Remove dancers from dancing with you
    • "Cancel" = Exit the Dance System
Setup - Message System

Choose to Say, Shout or deliver the message Privately, using whole or first names of avatars. Easily access your favorite emotes and send them to your friends! Earn extra tips with clients by sending them special, private messages. Includes over 30 pre-made messages/emotes with the ability to add your own.

Adding Messages/Emotes
  1. While wearing the Club Tool, right click on it and choose edit to bring up the build window
  2. Click the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
  3. Click on the "M" button so only it is highlighted
  4. Under the "Content" tab in the build window you will see a variety of notecard examples. You may remove them or edit them to your liking.
Notecard: Symbols
  • "/" = New Line
  • "%" = First Name
  • "@" = Whole Name
Notecard: (1) Hi
  • HI
  • %
  • !!
  • Looks Like: Lastat Daxter: Hi Lastat !!
Notecard: (2) Hello
  • Hello
  • @
  • !!
  • Looks Like: Lastat Daxter: Hello Lastat Fang !!
Notecard: Thank you
  • Hello
  • %
  • /
  • /
  • Thank you for visiting Lastat Productions!
  • /
  • Have a wonderful day!
  • Looks Like: Lastat Daxter: Hello Lastat

    Thank you for visiting Lastat Productions!
    Have a wonderful day!
* Notes *
  • Each symbol must be on a line by itself.
  • For more personal emotes, add "/me" at the beginning of your notecard.
  • Each Line can contain a max of 255 characters!! Second Life's lsl automatically truncates text after 255 characters, so to have a capacity of 3,000 you MUST press the "Return"/"Enter" key at least every 255 characters (spaces included). Failure to heed this caveat may result in messages/emotes getting cut off early, i.e.: When the Club Tool re-constructs the message, pieces may be missing and the message will appear jumbled.
Usage - Message System
Owner Menu
  1. Click the "M" button for the following menu:
    • "SAY" = Say the message/emote (20 meters)
    • "SHOUT" = Shout the message/emote (96 meters)
    • "PRIVATE" = Send so only the chosen person sees it (96 meters)
  2. After choosing an option, choose the message
  3. IF you chose "PRIVATE", now choose the name of the recipient
Chat Commands
  1. Type "/200 message menu" to bring up the main menu
  2. Type "/200 message AVATAR-NAME NOTECARD" to say the NOTECARD to AVATAR-NAME
  3. Example: "/200 message Lastat (1) HI Lastat"
    Looks Like: Lastat Daxter: Hi Lastat !!
* Notes *
  • You MUST know the name of the notecard/message you wish to say
Setup - Welcome System

Greet newly detected avatars with a custom welcome message. Whisper, Say, Shout, Private and Random message delivery options. Ability to set message via chat, using customizable chat channel and choose to use first or full name of avatar.

Adding Messages
  1. While wearing the Club Tool, right click on it and choose edit to bring up the build window
  2. Click the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
  3. Now click on the "W" button so only it is highlighted
  4. Under the "Content" tab, open the "Messages" notecard
  5. At the beginning of a new line in the "Messages" notecard, put the name of the button
  6. Put the "&" symbol after it to separate the button's name from your message
  7. Type in your welcome message after the "&" sybmol
Notecard: Messages
  • # % is a replacement for the first name of the target person.
  • # @ is a replacement for the full name of the target person.
  • # You MUST follow the same syntax as below.
  • Hello&Hello % ^-^
  • Hiya&Hiya %!!
  • Wasssup&Wasssup %!!
  • Thank You&Thank You % for coming!!
  • Glad&Glad you could make it @!!
  • Hola&Hola %!!
  • Welcome&Welcome @!!
  • TY Join&Thank you for joing us %!!
* Notes *
  • You may remove all lines from the notecard, they are just there for quick instructions.
  • Text before the & symbol must be less than 24 characters long and will show up in the dialog menu.
  • Text after the & symbol will be what is said to newly detected avatars. This must be less than 230 characters long.
Random Messages
  1. While wearing the Club Tool, right click on it and choose edit to bring up the build window
  2. Click the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
  3. Now click on the "W" button so only it is highlighted
  4. Under the "Content" tab, open the * Random * notecard
  5. Type each greeting on a new line
  6. Use the symbols from the chart below to insert an avatar's name directly into your messages
Notecard: Symbols
  • "%" = First Name
  • "@" = Whole Name
Notecard: Random
  • Welcome to our club %.
  • Greetings @!!
  • Hello, how are you % ??
  • Hola @!!
  • Thanks for coming %!
  • Hiya %!
Usage - Welcome System
Choosing Messages
  1. Click the "W" Button for the following menu:
    • "On / Off" = Turn on or off the Welcome System
    • "Delay" = Time before welcoming a resident (seconds)
    • "Clear" = Clear the welcome list
    • "Random" = Choose messages from the "Random" notecard
    • "Whisper" = Whisper to new residents (10 meters)
    • "Say" = Say messages to new residents (20 meters)
    • "Shout" = Shout messages to new residents (96 meters)
    • "Private" = Privately say messages to residents (96 meters)
  2. After choosing either "Whisper", "Say", "Shout", or "Private", you will be prompted to choose a welcome message
* Notes *
  • Choosing a message does NOT turn the system on if it was previously off.
Setup - Item Rezzer

Add items that you want to access quickly and rez in front of you (assuming you have the ability to rez on the land). Includes FREE Lastat Productions Advanced Tip Jar (valued at $200L!) and pose stand.

Adding Items
  1. Rez the Club Tool on the ground
  2. Right click on it and choose edit to bring up the build window
  3. Click the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
  4. Click on the "R" button so only it is highlighted
  5. Navigate to the "Contents" tab
  6. Drag the items you wish to rez from your inventory, to the build window
* Notes *
  • Items names MUST be less than 24 characters long
Usage - Item Rezzer
Rezzing Items
  1. Click the "R" button on the Club Tool
  2. Choose an item from the menu you'd like to rez
Setup - Item Giver

Easily access items that you wish to give away by selecting an item, then selecting the avatar that you wish to give the item to. Includes Gangster AO, Avatar Key Giver, Dance Animations, Full-Perm Book, Hello Multi-Tool, Lol Thrower HUD, R7 Crazy AO, Speed Ball, Symbols Notecard, Undeformer, LP Landmark and LP Info Notecard.

Adding Items
  1. Rez the Club Tool on the ground
  2. Right click on it and choose edit to bring up the build window
  3. Click the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
  4. Click on the "G" button so only it is highlighted
  5. Navigate to the "Contents" tab
  6. Drag the items you wish to give from your inventory, to the build window
* Notes *
  • Item names MUST be less than 24 characters long
Usage - Item Giver
Giving Items
  1. Click the "G" button on the Club Tool
  2. Choose an item from the menu you'd like to give
  3. Then choose an avatar you'd like to give the item to
Setup - Teleporter

Manage ALL of your favorite landmarks by adding them to the Teleporter. Quickly teleport to any landmark by choosing from the dialog menu. Stores unlimited amount of landmarks!

Adding Landmarks
  1. Rez the Club Tool on the ground
  2. Right click on it and choose edit to bring up the build window
  3. Click the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
  4. Click on the "T" button so only it is highlighted
  5. Navigate to the "Contents" tab
  6. Drag any landmarks you'd like to add from your inventory, to the build window
* Notes *
  • Landmark names MUST be less than 24 characters long
Usage - Teleporter
Owner Menu
  1. Click the "T" button on the Club Tool
  2. Choose a location from the menu you'd like to go
  3. Click teleport when the map opens
Setup - Impersonator

Get into character during RP or just goof around with friends using the Impersonator! Add up to 10 different names OR choose a nearby avatar to impersonate.

Adding Saved Names
  1. Click the "I" button on the Club Tool for the following menu:
    • "[ REMOVE ]" = Remove an avatar from your names list
    • "[ NEARBY ]" = Menu of nearby residents to choose from
  2. You can add a name by typing on channel 4 like: "/4 Lastat Daxter"
* Notes *
  • Names MUST be less than 24 characters long
  • The Impersonator allows for a max of 10 names
Usage - Impersonator
Speaking as a Saved Name
  1. Click the "I" button and choose a name from the menu to change your current name
  2. To speak as your current name, type on channel 2 like: "/2 Hello!"
Usage - Megaphone

Always making announcements at a club or event and worried that everyone nearby may not see your message? Use the Megaphone to repeat the things you type, including gestures, to everyone within 100 meters of you!

Power On and Off
  1. Click the bottom left power button to turn the megaphone on or off
Usage - Face Animator

Show off your attitude and personality using the Face Animator. Choose Happy or Unhappy animations, with 10 animation styles in each category.

Face Animator
  1. Click the lower right power button and choose an animation from one of the following categories in the menu:
    • "Happy" = Laugh, Tongue out, Wink, Smile, Surprise, Toothsmile, Open mouth, Embarrassed, Kiss
    • "Unhappy" = Cry, Bored, Frown, Afraid, Sad, Repulsed, Anger, Shrug, Worry, Disdain
* Notes *
  • Facial expressions will loop until you turn the Face Animator back off
Setup - Animation Override

Ability to add up to approximately 10 stands/walks and 10 sits/ground sits. Create your own, unique AO by adding a variety of animation styles. Replace standard, boring animations with fun, custom animations of your choice using top of the line ZHAO II Engine!

Adding Animations
  1. Create a notecard in your inventory and name it what you'd like to call this playlist
  2. Rez the Club Tool on the ground
  3. Right click on it and choose "Edit" to bring up the build window
  4. Click the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
  5. Click on the lower left power button so only it is highlighted
  6. Navigate to the "Content" tab in the build window
  7. Drag all favorite AO animations from your inventory to the build window
  8. After loading your favorite animations, open the "AO Animations" notecard
  9. Add the names of all animations beside the type of animation it is
Notecard: AO Animations
  • [ Standing ]Standing
  • [ Walking ]Female Walk|Male Walk
  • [ Sitting ]
  • [ Sitting On Ground ]
  • [ Crouching ]
  • [ Crouch Walking ]
  • [ Landing ]
  • [ Standing Up ]
  • [ Falling ]
  • [ Flying Down ]
  • [ Flying Up ]
  • [ Flying ]
  • [ Flying Slow ]
  • [ Hovering ]
  • [ Jumping ]
  • [ Pre Jumping ]
  • [ Running ]
  • [ Turning Right ]
  • [ Turning Left ]
  • [ Floating ]
  • [ Swimming Forward ]
  • [ Swimming Up ]
  • [ Swimming Down ]
  • [ Typing ]
* Notes *
  • This AO utilizes the public ZHAO II Animation override engine and has been tweaked and integrated into the Club Tool.
  • This engine supports multiple animations for walking, standing, sitting, ground sitting, and typing. To add multiple, separate each name with the "|" symbol and NO spaces.
Usage - Animation Override
Owner Menu
  1. Click the lower left power button for the following menu:
    • "On" = Turn the AO on
    • "Off" = Turn the AO off
    • "Reset" = Reset the AO's scripts
    • "Settings" = Owner Say current settings in local chat
    • "Walks" = Choose a walking animation to use
    • "Typing" = Typing animaton menu
      • "Kill On" = Kill the default typing animation
      • "Kill Off" = Don't kill the default typing animation
      • "AO On" = Turn on the typing override
      • "AO Off" = Turn off the typing override
      • "Main" = Main menu
    • "Stands" = Standing animation menu
      • "Next" = Play the next standing animation
      • "Random" = Choose a random standing animation
      • "Seq" = Cycle through the standing animatons in sequence every 30 seconds
      • "Main" = Main menu
    • "Sits" = Sitting animation menu
      • "Sit On" = Turn the sitting animation on
      • "Sit Off" = Turn the sitting animation off
      • "New Sit" = Choose a new sitting animation to play
      • "Grd Sit On" = Turn on the ground sit animation
      • "Grd Sit Off" = Turn off the ground sit animation
      • "New Grd Sit" = Play new ground sit animation
      • "Main" = Main menu
Setup - DJ System

Make running your set easier by using the DJ System. Optionally set the land’s music URL too! The DJ System also displays the current song and can automatically say/shout new songs or announce songs with the click of a button.

Adding Streams
  1. While wearing the Club Tool, right click on it and choose edit to bring up the build window
  2. Now click on the options button so only it is highlighted
  3. Navigate to the "Content" tab in the build window and open the * Streams * notecard
Notecard: * Streams *
  • # ◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣
  • #
  • # Ⓘ Manuals here →
  • #
  • # ✲ Lastat Productions Streams Notecard
  • #
  • # ✲ Channel to communicate with the Land Audio Relay on
  • # ✲ List your radio stations and/or deejays below
  • # ✲ The first stream is loaded as the default
  • # ✲ Enter each stream on a new line
  • # ✲ Enter them as follows: Button Name=Stream URL
  • #
  • # ◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣
  • DJ
  • The
* Notes *
  • You can add as many streams as you'd like
  • Stream names cannot be longer than 23 characters
Rezzing the Land Audio Relay (optional)
  1. Click the options button, then choose "DJ SYSTEM", then "Rez Relay" from the menu
  2. If the land is deeded to a group:
    1. Right click the Land Audio Relay and choose edit to bring up the build window
    2. Under the "General" tab, ensure that the group is set to the same as the land
    3. Tick the "Share" checkbox so that it is checked
    4. Choose the the "Deed" button to deed it to the group
* Notes *
  • The Land Audio Relay is only needed if you are using the Club Tool to change the land's music url.
  • Do NOT rez the Land Audio Relay from your inventory! The Club Tool passes the COMMS CHANNEL to it when rezzing.
  • When deeding a prim to a group, you are transferring ownership of it from yourself to the group.
Usage - DJ System
Using the DJ System
  1. Click the Music Symbol for the following menu:
    • "On / Off" = Turn the stream information On or Off
    • "Streams" = Streams menu to choose from
    • "← Main" = Main menu
    • "Volume" = Auto options menu
      • "Whisper" = Whisper new songs (10 meters)
      • "Say" = Say new songs (20 meters)
      • "Shout" = Shout new songs (96 meters)
      • "Off" = Don't automatically announce new songs
      • "← Back" = Return to the main DJ System menu
    • "Delay" = Choose a delay to account for latency between your stream and the listeners
    • "Announce" = Announce the current song
    • "Load" = Load the * Streams * notecard
    • "Rez Relay" = Rez the Land Audio Relay
    • "Attachment" = Receive the DJ Attachment prim
Using the Land Audio Relay (optional)
  1. Hide or show the prim
  2. Delete the prim
  3. Reset the script
* Notes *
  • The Land Audio Relay is only needed if you are using the Club Tool to change the land's music url.
Using the DJ Attachment (optional)
  1. Click the options button, then choose "DJ SYSTEM", then "Attachment" from the menu
  2. Accept the inventory offer from the Club Tool
  3. Right click the DJ Attachment in your inventory and then "Add" it to your avatar. You and nearby avatars will now see the Current song above your head.
* Notes *
  • DJ Attachment will display your currently playing song above your head.
  • The script within is FULL PERM so you can customize it yourself!
Setup - ANS

Never miss greeting a new visitor again! The ANS notifies you with an optional sound as well as in chat when a new avatar arrives nearby. The avatar’s name, as well as the distance they are from you is displayed in the message.

Adding a Custom Sound (optional)
  1. Right click the Club Tool and choose edit to bring up the build window
  2. Navigate to the "Contents" tab
  3. Drag your custom sound from your inventory, to the build window
Usage - ANS
Owner Menu
  1. Click the Options button, then choose "ANS" for the following menu:
    • "Power" = Turn the system On or Off
    • "Sound" = Turn the sound effect On or Off
    • "Distance" = Choose the distance (in meters) the ANS detects avatars
    • "← Main" = Returns you to the main options menu
Usage - Flight Assist

Allows you to fly above the clouds and at an accelerated rate.

Owner Menu
  1. Click the bottom left power button for the following menu:
    • "On" = Turn the flight assist On or Off
    • "Speed" = Type a number in chat to set the speed
    • "Accel" = Type a number in chat to set the acceleration
Chat Commands

The Flight Assist allows you to fly ABOVE the clouds and at a FASTER rate! It can be turned Off when not in use.

Using Chat Commands (optional)
  1. Type any of the following commands on channel 200
    • "welcome menu" = Welcome System main menu
    • "message menu" = Message System main menu
    • "message *NAME* *NOTECARD*" = say message from notecard to specified name
    • "rez menu" = Item Rezzer main menu
    • "give menu" = Item Giver main menu
    • "teleport menu" = Teleport System main menu
    • "spank menu" = Spank System main menu
    • "dance menu" = Dance System main menu
    • "flight menu" = Flight System main menu
    • "radar menu" = Radar main menu
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