Product Manuals
Name Randomizer
Current version: 1.0

Looking for a fun way to give prizes to your visitors? The Name Randomizer from Lastat Productions allows your visitors to join the list, then when your all set and ready for it to choose a winner, the board will randomly display each visitors name as it searches for a winner. For every 3rd contestant, the board will say, shout, or whisper (if enabled) funny messages as it decides who should win. When the board decides on a winner, it will give the winner any items you have added to its contents. This includes no copy items as well. If you enable the "Remove" feature, anyone that leaves the sim will be removed from the list. If disabled, the board will give the inventory items one at a time if the winner is on a different sim, or offline. If they are in the sim, all copyable items are given in a folder you specify. No copy items are given directly due to SL scripting limitations.

  • Rez the Name Randomizer, right click on it and choose edit to bring up the build window
  • Navigate to the Contents tab and open up the * Manager List * notecard
  • Add each of your managers names on a new line then save the notecard
  • Click the Name Randomizer for the following menu
  • "Start/End" = Start the board so visitors can join or End the current session and choose a winner
  • "Update" = (owner only) Check for updates
  • "Reset" = Reset scripts
  • "Volume" = Display volume menu
  • "Remove On/Remove Off" = If On, remove avatars from the list when they leave the sim. If Off, allow avatars to leave the sim and remain in the list
  • "Clear" = Clear the current list and the display
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