Current version: 1.0
Looking for a fun way to get rid of your Mystic pods? Just toss em' in a Lucky Mystic Stump! Add a bunch of your "fusable" pods, along with a few good ones, and let the fun begin! Visitors just click the stump to pay a set price, and with a little luck, they'll receive one of the good pods.
- 1) Rez the Lucky Mystic Stump, right click it, and select "Edit"
- 2) Under the "General" tab in the build window, rename the stump to change its hovertext title
- 3) While in "General" tab, type the price you wish to charge in the Description field
- 4) Navigate to the "Content" tab and drag your pods from your inventory, to the build window
- 1) If the Lucky Mystic Stump is online, right click and select "Touch", or simply left click if offline to get the following menu
- "Offline / Online" = Takes the stump Offline or Online
- "Hovertext" = Turn Hovertext ON or OFF
- "Text Color" = Choose one of the colors from the menus (Colors match the Mystics Eye colors)
- "Update" = Request update if available
- "Reset" = Resets the stump's script